Connected Communities of Care

CalAIM Resource Navigator

Resources for Enhanced Care Management & Community Supports

in Kings and Tulare Counties 






CalAIM services bring tremendous opportunities to transform lives and communities in Kings and Tulare counties, where 57% of the population are Medi-Cal members. By working together to serve members with complex needs, we will lift our counties’ health and economic vitality, helping all community members to thrive.

The Kings/Tulare Connected Community of Care comprises providers and different organizations who care for Kings and Tulare community members together by structuring, coordinating, and integrating their services for maximum effectiveness.​

What is CalAIM?

CalAIM, or California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal, provides new and expanded services to community members who need help to thrive. It helps people get more types of care, such as mental health, and helps them with other challenges they face, such as not having a home or a stable source of food. The goal is to keep people healthier by giving them the support they need, all in one place.

Resources for Providers

Technical Assistance Marketplace

The PATH Technical Assistance (TA) Marketplace is an online resource where organizations can access technical assistance services from approved vendors to build...

CalAIM 101 Self-Guided

This resource outlines funding opportunities, technical assistance, and collaborative efforts under the CalAIM initiative to help organizations build capacity, ...


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